Most relevant SDG targets Most relevant Guiding SDG Most relevant Accenture Accenture metrics for Accenture’s operations UNGC principles Ambition benchmark goals and programs and progress 13.1 Strengthen resilience and adaptive Principle 7 Science-based emissions • We are a signatory to the UN Global Compact’s Business • Accenture’s total reported GHG emissions for fiscal 2020 capacity to climate related hazards and Principle 8 reduction in line with a Ambition for 1.5° Pledge, and we aim to achieve net-zero have decreased by more than 30% since fiscal 2016. natural disasters in all countries. 1.5°C pathway emissions by 2025. We have science-based greenhouse gas • In fiscal 2019, we met our 2015 goal to have 75% of 13.2 Incorporate measures to fight (GHG) emissions targets to reduce our absolute greenhouse our suppliers to disclose their environmental targets climate change into policies, strategies gas emissions by 11% and our scope 1 and 2 emissions by 65%. and actions through CDP. and planning. • By 2025, we will develop plans to reduce the impact of • In our first year of tracking progress against this new flooding, drought and water scarcity on our business and goal, 57% of suppliers disclosed their targets and 57% our people in high-risk areas. disclosed the actions they are taking. • In 2015, we set a goal to encourage 75% of our suppliers to disclose their environmental targets and actions taken to reduce their impact through CDP. • We have now set a new goal: By 2025, we will require 90% of our key suppliers (accounting for 75% of our scope 3 emissions) to disclose their environmental targets and actions. 16.5 Substantially reduce corruption Principle 10 Zero incidences • All Accenture people must complete all required Ethics & • In fiscal 2020, we achieved Ethics & Compliance and bribery in all their forms. of bribery Compliance training by July 31 each year to be fully eligible training completion rates of more than 99%. 16.6 Develop effective, accountable for year-end rewards (as permitted by law). and transparent institutions at all levels 17.16 Enhance the global partnership Relevant across the • At Accenture, we collaborate with our clients, suppliers, • Together with our partners, in the past decade Skills for sustainable development, 10 UNGC principles ecosystem partners and others to mobilize collaborative to Succeed has equipped nearly 4.6 million people complemented by multi-stakeholder action. For example, to meet our RE100 commitment, we with the skills to make substantive improvements to partnerships that mobilize and share are collaborating with partners to drive higher demand for their lives. knowledge, expertise, technology and renewables in targeted locations. financial resources, to support the achievement of the sustainable • Through our ongoing Skills to Succeed initiative, we support development goals… people in our communities with the skills to make substantive improvements to their lives. United Nations Global Compact: Communication on Progress 2020 | 68