Delivering for the UN Global Compact This report serves as our twelfth Communication Since becoming a signatory to the UNGC, we on Progress to the UNGC that we signed in have updated our reporting for the prior fiscal January 2008, and it documents our progress year each March. In our 2020 annual letter to on implementing the 10 Principles as a member shareholders, for the first time, we incorporated of Global Compact LEAD, which focuses on our latest reporting on a number of our goals raising sustainability performance. For a detailed because the actions we take to meet these goals look at our progress toward addressing the 10 are an important part of our commitment to Principles, see our UNGC Index. being a responsible business and to our market leadership as a trusted partner. We also extended As a LEAD participant, we are committed to our coverage of responsible business and what working toward implementing the Blueprint for that means at Accenture in our fiscal 2020 Proxy Corporate Sustainability Leadership and sharing Statement. Going forward, we intend to shift related outcomes and learnings with the broader the majority of our ESG reporting to our annual universe of companies in the Global Compact. financial reporting time frame and will continue As part of our ongoing commitment, we our annual Communication on Progress to actively engage with the UNGC’s U.K. Network’s the UNGC in a format different from this report. Modern Slavery Working Group to share our view of corporate best practices to support the elimination of slavery and human trafficking, and to benchmark our own approach and strategies against those of other industry peers and thought leaders. Mercedes, Senior Analyst – Technology, SAP, Application Development, Buenos Aires, Argentina United Nations Global Compact: Communication on Progress 2020 | 63

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