Building a strong Contractors are also required to complete Ethics & We strongly encourage our people to raise ethical culture Compliance training within 60 days and may face concerns to a manager or trusted advisor, an revocation of access to systems or even Accenture Leader, Human Resources or Legal termination if they fail to do so. Our goal is to and make it clear that they can always escalate In today’s evolving business, legal and regulatory maintain our high completion rates for trainings concerns without fear of retaliation if they do landscape, determining what the right decision is globally and to continue to evaluate our trainings not receive an acceptable response from their can be difficult. To help our people make ethical (including through user feedback) to make sure first point of contact. Concerns may also be choices and consider the full impact of their they remain relevant and effective. reported anonymously to the Accenture Business Code of decisions, we rely on our core values and Ethics Helpline 24/7. We encourage our people to as guides. We are committed to providing a positive, Business Ethics (COBE) contact Human Resources or Legal for guidance respectful and inclusive work environment to all if they are unsure whether an issue should We offer a broad range of resources to help our our people. This means we prohibit disrespectful be reported. We take all good faith concerns people better understand and fully engage behavior and have zero tolerance for sexual seriously and all steps necessary to ensure that with our COBE, including annual required harassment, harassment or discrimination based those who raise concerns do not experience any Ethics & Compliance trainings, a Making on personal characteristics (such as race, color, form of retaliation. Good Decisions tool, our COBE toolkit with ancestry, national/regional or ethnic origin, downloadable job aids, an ethics helpline, an on- religion, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, % demand anonymous chatbot, and internal and pregnancy, age or disability), retaliation, workplace 99 + external platforms for people to raise concerns, violence or threats. of our people including anonymously. We understand that it is not always easy or completed We continue to evolve our required Ethics & comfortable to raise concerns. As a result, we Ethics & Compliance Compliance training with shorter, interactive provide multiple reporting channels for our training in fiscal and visually engaging courses. Accenture people to raise those concerns in order to minimize employees (including part-time) must complete potential unease in reporting an issue that may 2020 all required Ethics & Compliance training by involve a colleague, an Accenture Leader, a client, July 31 each year to be fully eligible for year-end supplier or contractor, or anyone else. rewards (as permitted by law). In fiscal 2020, we Scott, Senior Analyst – Technology, Software Applications achieved completion rates of more than 99%. Cloud Technical Support, Vancouver, Canada United Nations Global Compact: Communication on Progress 2020 | 53