Next generation including Argentina, Ireland, Japan, Philippines partnership to date. This year, we reached more fosters conversations between children and and the United States. Through this support, JA than 40,000 beneficiaries—some through the their parents about online social behavior will embed enhanced content and functionality SoMeYouMe app that was created by Save the through more than 400 challenges, questions We believe when the next generation of workers into existing programs and platforms to support Children, Fjord and Accenture to tackle online and dilemmas. is equipped with critical skills, they will be ready youth, teachers, parents and allies across the harassment and bullying. The SoMeYouMe app for the digital future. We aim to empower the globe. This grant has served as motivation innovators of tomorrow with ample opportunities and an entry point into discussions around to learn and create new technologies that will measurement and evaluation, technology and change the world for the better. digital enhancements and how regions can more effectively collaborate. Social Innovators: core is an action learning experience designed Sparking innovation for around the Social Innovators Guidebook Junior Achievement: Save the Children: society with our people inspired by experts from across Accenture Helping millions of young Supporting students worldwide and our ecosystem. Our people have already people succeed with major grant and ecosystem taken more than 2,000 hours of coursework building critical skills like life-centered design, conscientious innovation, storytelling, cross- The Social Innovators initiative is inspired by sector collaboration and measuring social To date, our partnership with Junior Achievement Building on our shared understanding of the skills two fundamental beliefs: that anyone can be impact. The Eco Innovation Challenge and (JA) has helped more than 735,000 young people and mindsets younger learners will need to thrive, a social innovator if they are equipped with Accelerator empower our people to put these gain knowledge and skills to own their economic we committed to a new three-year, US$5.5 million key skills and mindsets —and that tackling the skills into practice taking their ideas to reality success, plan for their future, and make smart grant to support Save the Children, reaching over complex challenges facing society can only with clients, startups and nongovernmental academic and economic choices. To support JA’s 332,000 students across China, Indonesia, Italy, be done in collaboration across businesses, organizations (NGOs). continued impact, in fiscal 2020 we made a new Mexico and Bangladesh. This support will build sectors and industries. US$4.5 million grant to enhance digital learning upon the more than 159,000 people skilled and To hear firsthand from a Social Innovators team experiences for 2.3 million youth in 15 countries, more than 85,000 placed into a job through our The program has three elements to spark and member, learn more on the Accenture sustain social innovation with our people, Careers Blog. clients and other ecosystem partners. At the United Nations Global Compact: Communication on Progress 2020 | 29

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