Human rights We do not compromise when it comes to doing review process in place to validate living wages building on our ethical procurement philosophy commitment business ethically and legally, and we leverage in the local country context and ensure we pay by adopting new AI tools to help simplify the our global buying power to advance human and 100% of our employees a living wage or more. contracting process, implement digital solutions, labor rights. We seek to encourage a culture We continue to take targeted actions and support and identify and eliminate human rights risks of transparency within our supply chains and advocacy in our supplier ecosystems to work within our supply chains. At Accenture, we have a long-standing provide a mechanism to enable employees toward the elimination of modern slavery as part commitment to supporting and respecting of our suppliers to speak up about legal or of our commitment to maintaining an ethical As part of our efforts, Accenture has invested human rights, including the elimination of modern ethical concerns, including slavery and human supply chain that respects human rights. in a new blockchain-enabled global Sustainable slavery, child labor and human trafficking in our trafficking. Employees of Accenture suppliers Procurement Hub. This Hub will help to better Modern Slavery Act Transparency Statement supply chains and business operations. Given the may report concerns or violations (anonymously Our assess and drive transparency around our nature of our business, and the risk assessments where permitted by local law) through the provides more information about our efforts in suppliers’ ESG performance, including in we have undertaken to date, we believe the risk of Accenture Business Ethics Helpline. this area. This statement is required by law, but it relation to slavery and trafficking. modern slavery, child labor and human trafficking describes our efforts beyond the United Kingdom, in our business is low. But we are not complacent To promote a high quality of life for the particularly in key geographies that we identified and frequently review how we can improve and communities we touch, Accenture continues as higher risk for slavery and human trafficking. evolve in response to changing circumstances to drive the adoption of a living wage. Through Our approach is consistent throughout the globe such as COVID-19. Our intention always is to be our Supplier Standards of Conduct, we strongly and this year, Accenture Australia is publishing its thoughtful and targeted in how we select and encourage all our suppliers to pay a living wage own modern slavery transparency statement. engage our suppliers, particularly in relation to or higher to those who provide services directly higher-risk sectors and countries. For example, to our company and/or our clients. This was Given the significant growth in AI, respecting this year our Modern Slavery Risk Assessment particularly important in 2020 as the pandemic human rights across our supply chain also included a review of personal protective exposed societal and financial inequities all over includes responsible use of this technology equipment supply chains into our U.K. business. the world. Likewise, we have a robust regular to grow our business the right way. We are United Nations Global Compact: Communication on Progress 2020 | 44