Supporting and respecting we use good judgment consistent with our core Anticorruption policies Our relevant anticorruption policies apply to all the rights of all people values and COBE to support and respect and compliance Accenture people working for any Accenture the principles of internationally recognized entity in any country and to the many ways we human rights. handle our broad-based Anticorruption program. Our commitment to supporting and respecting We also adhere to relevant international We are committed to conducting business We continually assess and refine our Ethics & internationally proclaimed human rights is a instruments and documents, including the ethically and leading by example. Our COBE and Compliance program, including how we train common thread connecting our business and International Labour Organization’s Declaration related anticorruption policies, both part of our our people. Our approach provides a baseline of requires the support of our leaders, people on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, global Ethics & Compliance program and human training to all Accenture people, including our and suppliers. and the United Nations Guiding Principles on rights efforts, require our people, business part-time employees and contractors. Individuals COBE, we focus our human Business and Human Rights. See the Supply partners and suppliers to comply with the in higher-risk roles and regions receive additional As stated in our Chain section for information on our Modern anticorruption laws everywhere we do anticorruption and other compliance training, rights efforts where they are most relevant to Slavery Transparency Statement. business, including: including in-person training with local members Accenture. Our clients and other stakeholders of the Legal team in high-risk markets. increasingly look to us for visibility into our • The U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA). human rights commitments and policies. Some • The Organization of Economic Cooperation In the past year, we again worked with outside of our key global policies are publicly available and Development Convention on Combating counsel—including the former head of the through our Modern Slavery Transparency Bribery of Public Officials in International U.S. Department of Justice’s Foreign Statement to show how we drive human Business Transactions. Corrupt Policies Act division—to conduct a rights within our organization. These include: • The United Nations Convention risk assessment to evaluate the risk of our Speaking Up and Zero Tolerance for Retaliation, Against Corruption. Anticorruption program. The assessment and Prohibition on Human Trafficking, Forced confirmed that our Anticorruption program Labor and Child Labor. • The U.K. Bribery Act. continues to be among the most advanced and We continue to review our human rights efforts, We are a member—and our CEO, Julie Sweet, forward-thinking programs in the world. as well as best practices in the marketplace, is the co-chair—of the World Economic Forum to understand how we can best meet our Partnering Against Corruption Initiative, which commitments. If it is unclear how to apply the unites companies that have a zero-tolerance law consistent with our human rights principles, policy toward bribery and corruption in any form. United Nations Global Compact: Communication on Progress 2020 | 56