Gender equality closing this gap will yield substantial benefits for We have a robust suite of opportunities to help Women’s Executive Leadership Program companies and their employees. our women grow in their careers, including: Provides senior leadership sponsorship plus In addition to publishing our workforce High-Tech Women Edge leadership-led collaboration and learning We are making progress toward the global gender demographics annually across key geographies, A specialized, custom, demand-driven program opportunities for senior women leaders goals we set for ourselves in 2017. We achieved we disclose our gender pay gap data in the United in focused technology areas that enables our goal of 25% women managing directors by Kingdom in line with government regulations. candidates to be deployed onto projects to apply the end of 2020 and set a new goal of 30% by We are firmly committed to pay equity and have their training Women 2025. Also, we have a goal to achieve a gender- robust processes in place to ensure that all our balanced workforce (for those whose gender is people—across gender, race and ethnicity—are Developing Our Women Program accounted for binary) by 2025, and we are well on our way. In compensated fairly based on their markets and Connects junior, mid-level and senior-level % 2020, women accounted for 45% of our global skills, from the moment they are hired through women for networking and co-creating 45 workforce, 49% of our new hires, 30% of our the milestones of their careers at our company. development plans for career advancement of our global executives (manager and above), 27% of our If we find an issue, we fix it. We continue to Insight Program workforce and Global Management Committee and 36% of our participate in the Employers for Pay Equity Brings together mid-career women with senior % Board of Directors (in fiscal 2020, increasing to consortium with other companies that understand leadership potential for a hands-on, nine-month 49 42% at the time of publication). the importance of ensuring all individuals are career development program focused on defining of our new hires compensated equitably for equal work and their personal career path and purpose th annual celebration of Fiscal 2020 marked our 16 experience and have the same opportunity International Women’s Day, with more than 130 to contribute and advance in the workplace. Pivot Program virtual and face-to-face events for our people, Additionally, we have a regular review process to Enables our women with practical resources for clients and partners. For more than a decade, validate living wages in the local country context career development through a locally driven, we have published groundbreaking research in and ensure we pay 100% of our employees a instructor-led learning series conjunction with these celebrations. Our global living wage or more. research explored the hidden value of culture Accenture Women’s Network makers, the perception gap that exists between Across more than 150 chapters globally, serves as leaders and employees on this topic, and how a resource for our women to network, learn and grow in-person and online United Nations Global Compact: Communication on Progress 2020 | 17