New Profit: • Empower social entrepreneurs to pilot their labor analysis, SkyHive helps facilitate labor WeAcT Program: Elevating the voice of solutions through workforce boards. market transformation, reskilling and learning. Shining the light on workers through future of • Reskill 25,000 displaced workers in the United Accenture’s technologists at The Dock, our women entrepreneurs States into living-wage jobs. flagship R&D and global innovation center in work innovation Dublin, and our FinTech Innovation Lab in • Achieve broader systemic change to New York, are collaborating with SkyHive to help prepare 12 million Americans from solve challenges. To empower women entrepreneurs in rural The global pandemic and rising inequities have underinvested communities for workforce India, we developed the WeAcT program heightened the challenges our world faces success by 2025. This collaborative industry effort to reskill and in collaboration with the Entrepreneurship World Economic related to the future of work. To create accessible, redeploy workers is part of the Development Institute of India. Through the XPERTs participating in the Board not only Forum’s Consumer Industries Taskforce on Future program’s online platform, female entrepreneurs inclusive and relevant solutions for the most and is also supported by Walmart and contribute to the innovation cycle but also benefit of Work can access market information and financial underinvested workers in the United States— Unilever. The AI technology from SkyHive, paired African American, Black, Hispanic American, from skills building and professional development guidance, connect with peers and attend opportunities, underscoring the principle of with Accenture’s expertise, is helping dozens appropriate training to transform their business. Latinx and indigenous communities (particularly of clients with their pandemic response and women)—New Profit launched the Future of Work placing equity at the core of the Grand Challenge. navigating rapid workforce changes, with the Launched in March 2020, the program has Grand Challenge, powered by XPRIZE, MIT Solve goal of helping people remain productive and worked with five partner organizations to support and Jobs for the Future. We provided cash grants, employable, even as the labor market transforms. 2,800 enrollments across 11 states and one union volunteering and pro bono consulting services to SkyHive: Advancing economic territory. The program continues to expand to support the implementation of an XPERT Worker prosperity and inclusion include mentorship programs, grants to address Advisory Board to ensure that the “voice of the through technology capital needs, wider market access through worker” is an integral part of the innovation several e-commerce platforms and a mobile process. The Board, which includes diverse application to further expand their reach. workers, or XPERTs, helps to identify the most As part of our Project Spotlight investment promising ideas and solutions from the innovators program, we are working with tech startup participating in the Challenge, which will: SkyHive to bring its workforce solution to the enterprise level. Using AI with quantum United Nations Global Compact: Communication on Progress 2020 | 27