Footnotes 1 Supply Chain FY18 FY19 FY20 1. Some detail numbers may not sum exactly to total number due to response; 100% of Accenture’s fiscal 2020 scope 1 and scope 2 rounding. emissions, as well as a small subset of scope 3 emissions received a Diverse Procurement Spend US $ Thousands positive statement for a limited assurance review by an independent by Type (U.S. only) 2. Effective September 1, 2018, we adopted ASU No. 2014-09 and third party. eliminated our net revenues presentation. Prior period amounts have been revised to conform with the current period presentation. 11. CO2 emissions related to scope 2 Office Electricity reflect a market- Minority-Owned Business $450,992 $429,455 $395,892 based accounting approach as defined by the updated GHG Protocol 3. Values reflect our workforce as of December 31 of that year and scope 2 guidance. In line with the guidance, fiscal 2020 office Women-Owned Business 118,587 164,835 122,482 do not include information from Avanade, a joint venture between electricity market-based emissions factor renewable electricity Accenture and Microsoft that is majority-owned by Accenture. impacts as well as 2,201 tons of residual non-renewable emissions in Europe. Also in line with the guidance, we report CO emissions using Small Business 75,171 49,930 50,846 4. “Executives” comprises our managers, senior managers, managing 2 directors, senior managing directors and members of our Global a location-based approach, which for fiscal 2020 would be 224,913 Management Committee. tons for Office Electricity and 228,373 tons for Scope 2. 15 Other Type Business 1,731 2,264 3,323 5. “Managing Directors” comprises our managing directors, 12. In previous reports, values for “Non-Renewable Electricity” and Total Diverse Procurement $646,481 $646,485 $572,543 senior managing directors and members of our Global “Renewable Electricity” were combined into a single value for Spend (US Only) Management Committee. “Electricity.” Prior year values disclosed for “Electricity” are the same as the sum of values for “Non-Renewable Electricity” and 6. Substantive Life Improvement is the new term to include both people “Renewable Electricity.” skilled to get a job or build a business as well as lives improved in the 13. Electronic waste (e-waste) is the most significant environmental Diverse Procurement Spend Next Generation cohort. aspect in our waste stream and includes laptops and workstations as Percentage of Total 31% 34% 31% 7. Accenture Foundations refers to independent charitable with disposal method tracked in Accenture’s global asset Procurement Spend (U.S. Only) organizations that bear the Accenture name. management system. Other waste streams result primarily from our office-based activities, many of which include recycling services that 8. “Accenture-sponsored ‘Time & Skills’ Programs” comprise are both inside and outside our operational control, and overall are Accenture Development Partnerships, pro bono consulting and paid not considered to have a significant environmental impact. volunteering projects. 14. Fiscal 2020 total water consumption is derived from 64% measured 9. Emissions designated as “Core” represent those most directly data and estimating the remainder based on average per-workstation associated with Accenture’s business model and align with total consumption from measured locations. emissions reported prior to fiscal 2016. As part of Accenture’s 15. “Other Type Business” consists of the following subcategories: science-based emissions target, we now include scope 3 emissions Veteran, Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise, Historically Black for fiscal 2016 onward resulting from procurement of other purchased Colleges or Universities and LGBTI. goods and services as part of our total emissions inventory. 10. Detailed methodology for carbon emissions and energy usage calculations is available in Accenture’s CDP Climate Change United Nations Global Compact: Communication on Progress 2020 | 73