Environment1 FY18 FY19 FY20 Environment1 FY18 FY19 FY20 Percentage Change in Total Carbon Emissions 10 -5% -7% -32% Carbon Emissions by Scope Metric Tons of CO2 Compared to FY16 Baseline Scope 1 22,183 18,923 13,945 Carbon Emissions per Employee 9 1.66 1.57 0.87 (Metric Tons of CO ) 2 11 218,855 214,680 162,983 Scope 2 Core Carbon Emissions by Source9, 10 Metric Tons of CO 2 9 Scope 3 948,756 932,653 677,994 Air Travel 351,966 370,028 176,482 Total Carbon Emissions 1,189,794 1,166,256 854,922 Other Business Travel 164,533 157,097 104,586 Office Electricity Efficiency 11 216,051 210,934 159,522 167 159 124 Office Electricity (kWh/square meter) Other Energy (Natural Gas, Diesel) 3,416 4,426 3,896 % Electricity from Renewable Sources 24% 26% 30% Total Core Carbon Emissions 735,966 742,485 444,486 10, 12 Energy Usage by Source MWh Core Carbon Emissions by Region9, 10 Metric Tons of CO Non-Renewable Electricity 361,512 351,414 272,485 2 North America 223,720 233,664 136,342 Renewable Electricity 111,574 121,101 115,149 11 133,138 130,125 67,283 Natural Gas 12,155 13,596 14,171 Europe Growth Markets 379,108 378,696 239,931 Diesel 3,839 6,709 4,130 Cross-Region 0 0 930 Total Energy Usage 489,080 492,820 405,935 13 Electronic Waste by Disposal Method Metric Tons Total Core Carbon Emissions 735,966 742,485 444,486 Avoided Landfill 583 423 278 Landfill <1 <1 <1 Carbon Emissions from Other Purchased 453,828 423,771 410,436 Total 583 423 278 9 Goods and Services 14 2,518,000 2,639,436 1,997,036 Total Water Consumption (cubic meters) Total Carbon Emissions 1,189,794 1,166,256 854,922 Water Consumption per Employee (cubic meters) 5.69 5.57 3.93 United Nations Global Compact: Communication on Progress 2020 | 72

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