Helping to build Waste Water plans for our facilities to reduce the impact of environmental sustainability flooding, drought and water scarcity in high- risk areas by 2025. In alignment with the World Supporting our 2025 target to move to zero Although Accenture is not a water-intensive Economic Forum’s recommendation, Accenture waste, Accenture will reuse or recycle 100% of company, we minimize our use of water World Resources Institute’s Aqueduct We agree with the industry-led Task Force on uses the Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) that e-waste, such as computers and servers, as well wherever feasible, including responsible use, tool to identify areas of water risk and understand enhanced disclosure of climate-related financial as office furniture. Accenture’s Global IT Asset reuse, management and discharge across our impacts to local communities. In addition to risks improve financial impact assessments and Disposition (ITAD) partners are supporting us in office portfolio. developing water resiliency plans in all high-risk support the transition to a low-carbon economy. meeting this target, by implementing an asset We are particularly conscious of water-stressed locations by 2025, we plan to measure and report Beginning in 2017, in accordance with TCFD reuse program and collaborating on a new box locations and have committed to develop our water use in these high-risk locations as well. guidelines, we updated our financial filings to program to facilitate remote disposal of personal strengthen our language on climate-related risks, computers (PCs) globally. and we include the financial impact in our annual Due to the pandemic, team members were Ilze, Associate Manager – Corporate CDP response. These include the increasing unable to bring their PCs to our offices for Mobility, Riga, Latvia frequency and severity of adverse weather disposal. When a PC refresh is needed, our Local conditions, which may have a negative impact on Technology Support team sends a box to the our people, facilities and operations. team member, who ships their old PC to the ITAD Since 2007, Accenture has reported our partner. The ITAD partner processes the devices environmental performance to CDP annually, at their facility to ensure they have been wiped, including our environmental risks, opportunities any scratches removed and missing components and methodologies on climate change mitigation replaced. They then return the devices back to and adaptation. We are proud to be included in Accenture so that we can redeploy them in CDP’s Climate Change A List of top-performing our business. This program was piloted in the global companies for the sixth time since 2014. United Kingdom and Ireland. More than 270 companies—less than 3% of the We will also eliminate single-use plastics in all 9,600 companies that disclosed—received locations at the end of the global pandemic. an A grade. United Nations Global Compact: Communication on Progress 2020 | 38

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