Emissions and energy Our absolute reductions efficiency. In some offices, during the early to create a new on-demand support facility We are proud to be the largest professional stages of shelter-in-place due to the global for our leaders. The tool offers chat response services company with a goal aligned to the pandemic, we saw energy reduction of more than services, across every time zone, on questions To reach our net-zero goal by 2025, we will 80%. We are able to track this because Accenture around Teams and virtual meetings. It means our reduce emissions by powering offices with 100% Science Based Targets initiative. By 2025, we uses precision monitoring tools that automate business leaders can help our people around renewable electricity, engaging key suppliers aim to reduce our absolute greenhouse gas energy measurement and feed into cloud- the world to be better prepared, informed and to reduce their emissions and equipping emissions by 11%, our scope 1 and 2 greenhouse based energy management systems, enabling equipped as we adjust to remote working. Accenture’s people to make climate-smart gas emissions by 65% and scope 1, 2 and 3 us to rapidly consolidate and understand our Our Microsoft Teams audio usage is now around travel decisions. emissions per unit of revenue intensity by 40%. energy use. As we return to our offices, we are 1.1 billion minutes a month, while our video minutes Our progress against those goals in 2020: committed to implementing more AI technology saw the most dramatic increase—to around Because we do not own our office buildings, to capture data and continuously improve our 120 million minutes a month. Our increased our plans to increase renewable electricity • Total emissions—reflecting short-term are not heavily focused on on-site renewable impacts of the pandemic—decreased by energy efficiency. reliance on collaboration technology and ability generation. Rather, we are engaging market- 32% from our baseline, exceeding one aspect to meet client needs without travel led to a better of our 2025 target Since beginning our environmental journey in work-life balance for our people, more cost- based renewable electricity purchase 2007, we have saved more than 2.43 million efficient client delivery and reduced opportunities. In locations where Accenture • Scope 1 and 2 were reduced by 39% megawatt hours of electricity, more than carbon emissions. owns electricity procurement decisions, we 1.22 million metric tons of CO and generated can move fast to make changes. In locations • Emissions per unit of revenue were reduced 2 more than US$326 million in energy savings. As a professional services company, the most where energy is purchased on our behalf, we by 45% significant aspects of our environmental footprint are collaborating with building management and Adapting to reduce impact are the greenhouse gas emissions related to others to improve our renewable electricity mix. While we celebrate the temporary reductions travel and electricity used in our locations. As the We increased our mix of renewable electricity in emissions seen in fiscal 2020 and the Additionally, the pandemic proved we can deliver important possibilities this represents, we for our clients using collaboration technology. impacts of the pandemic led to travel restrictions to 30% in fiscal 2020, an improvement over our remain committed to keeping our sights set We are one of the largest users of Microsoft for our people, Accenture saw a drop of more 26% renewable electricity rate in fiscal 2019. on exceeding all the elements of our science- Teams in the world, with more than 500,000 than 86% in business travel during our third and We are committed to reaching 100% renewable based target on a long-term basis following the users. As an early adopter of the technology, we fourth fiscal quarters, compared to the previous electricity by 2023 as part of our participation end of the pandemic and its related impacts. had aggressive targets in place that helped us year. We will continue to evaluate our travel in the RE100, a global corporate leadership This includes how we power our offices, taking quickly transition to working from home. We also and technology capabilities even as our initiative bringing together influential businesses a cloud-first approach to improve energy used the extensive functionality of the platform offices reopen. committed to 100% renewable electricity. United Nations Global Compact: Communication on Progress 2020 | 37

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